

    Celebrate the listing of Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. in Ningbo Equity Exchange Center

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        Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. was listed on the Optimal Board of Ningbo Equity Exchange Center on July 25, 2016. The stock abbreviation is "Fangli Technology" and the code is 70023. Ningbo Equity Exchange Center is a regional over-the-counter equity exchange market sponsored by the Ningbo Municipal Government. It leads the regulation and incubation of Ningbo small and medium-sized enterprises, and promotes the development of enterprises in the direction of listing on the main board and listing on the New Third Board. At present, the Ningbo Equity Exchange Center sets up preferred boards, growth boards and innovation boards according to the scale of the enterprise, innovation capability, and degree of standardization. The requirements for innovation boards are relatively low. Fangli Technology's listing on the preferred board of Ningbo Equity Exchange Center is conducive to improving the company's governance structure, standardizing company operations, and laying the foundation for the subsequent listing of the new third board.
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