
    Special training is carried out in full swing and ready to open

        As the opening is approaching, how to fight a prepared battle? Bali Xindi Commercial Management Company has its own answer!
        Recently, Bali Xindi Commercial Management Co., Ltd. has carried out a number of special trainings in response to possible problems in the early stage of opening, so that everyone has a new understanding of the backstage of the business management system and business beauty.

1. Business management system training-listening and practicing both
        At the beginning of September, Ningbo Xinyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. came to Bali Xindi Commercial Management Company to conduct "Business Management System" training.
        At the beginning of the training, Mr. Jiang Haoliang, an information technology engineer from Ningbo Xinyi, first explained the various functions of the background application in detail. Then, he deepened everyone's understanding through a large number of on-site demonstrations and simple explanations.
        After listening carefully to the training, many members actively put forward corresponding questions and suggestions, brainstormed and contributed to the improvement of the business management system.
        Through training, everyone is familiar with the main module functions and operating procedures of the back-end of the business management system, and finally can basically master the entry of basic system data and some basic operations for daily use.
        It is reported that this "business management system" was developed by Ningbo Xinyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. in conjunction with the specific conditions of Bali Xindi, and will be put into use after the development and testing is completed. The first phase of testing and training has been completed.

        Moreover, this "business management system" has obvious advantages, with the following four obvious advantages.
        1. Simple interface and clear functions;
        2. Strong logic and mature algorithm;
        3. The operation is simple and easy to use;
        4. It can be customized according to the actual situation of Bali Xindi.
In addition, basic business management functions such as basic management, investment management, contract management, settlement management, and CRM management can all be implemented through this system. It has laid a solid foundation for the realization of efficient and scientific business management.

2. Commercial beauty training-case analysis highlights many
In addition to the above-mentioned "Business System" training, Bali Xindi Commercial Management Company has previously conducted other trainings such as "Business Beauty Training". The training invited Mr. Xu from Ningbo Yishu Space as the main lecturer. During the training, Mr. Xu analyzed typical commercial plazas such as Tianyi Square, Heyi Avenue, Chongqing Bashu and other beautiful Chen cases, and explained the exclusive beautiful Chen of Bali Xindi to everyone present, including hotel building body lighting and tree lighting Decoration, door head position, atrium ornaments, atrium bird cage decoration, 3D decorative painting, etc. Finally, through the analysis of many commercial beauty cases and the explanation of the design ideas of Bali Xindi Meichen, everyone has a clear understanding and understanding of commercial beauty.

3. Preparations for opening-unite and fight for quality
As the opening period approaches, all departments of Bali Xindi Commercial Management Company's investment promotion and engineering work are also in full swing. I believe that with the united efforts of everyone, we will be able to successfully complete the opening of the square, win the trust and respect of customers, and create the glory of Bali Xindi.

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